[Cvsnt] Loginfo email using DOS batch files & utilities

Czarnowski, Aric aczarnowski at unimax.com
Thu May 2 18:51:31 BST 2002

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> My loginfo has the following entry:
> DEFAULT cat | notify_users.bat
> Whenever I commit a file, I receive an email, but
> the body is always blank.

I might be missing something myself, but do you even need the "cat |"
part of the loginfo line?  I believe CVS does the work of funneling
STDIN to whatever program is called in loginfo...

And while I have used Blat in the past, I find Perl to be very much
worth the effort of learning and using with CVS in a Windows
environment.  This is especially true when you, inevitably, start
putting more code under CVS and working with multiple modules which,
inevitably, require different mailing and notification.

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