[cvsnt] Re: Visual Studio 6 Build Instructions

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Tue Oct 8 16:56:38 BST 2002

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Just curious: What has CVSNT got to do with TCL or Python? AFAICT this would
only be needed for building WinCvs, no?

Apart from that I guess you should publish that text somewhere. This could
be of help for a lot of people. Maybe Tony could host it directly on
cvsnt.org ?

JID: ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ: 18777742
Y! : ogiesen

"Patrick W. O'Brien" <pwo311 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:anupre$iuv$1 at sisko.nodomain.org...
> Bo,
> Thanks for the help.  I amended you instructions for how to build.
> My machine
> W2K Pro SP3
> The instructions ...
> 1.    Install Visual Studio 6.
> 2.    Install Visual Studio 6 Service Pack 5.
> 3.    Install MSDN Platform SDK Dated November 2001
>         At a minimum, install the Core Files and Internet Development
>         Note1: The 64 bit SDK files *must* be included.
>         Note2: The registration with Visual Studio must be included.
> 4. Check out the cvsnt module from
>     cvs -d :pserver:cvs at cvs.cvsnt.org:/usr/local/cvs checkout  -r
> cvsnt
>     I used the tag CVSNT_1_11_1_3_57I for the version.
> 5. Get the kerberos files from
>     http://www.cvsnt.org/krb5-1.2.2-cvsnt.bin.zip
> 6. Unpack into <project location>/cvsnt/krb5
> 7. Install TCL
> 8. Install Python 2.2
> 9. Start Visual C++
>     Select Menu | Tools | Options | Directories | Include
>         Make sure these exist or add them
>             C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\Include
>             C:\Program Files\Visual Studio\VC98\Include
>             C:\Program Files\Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\Include
>             C:\Program Files\Visual Studio\VC98\ATL\Include
>             C:\Program Files\TCL\Include (use your own TCL install path)
>             C:\Program Files\Python\Include (use your own Python install
> path)
>             C:\Projects\CVSNT\KRB5\INCLUDE (use your own project root for
>       Select Library files
>         Make sure these exist or add them
>             C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\Lib
>             C:\Program Files\Visual Studio\VC98\Lib
>             C:\Program Files\Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\Lib
>             C:\Program Files\TCL\Lib (use your own TCL install path)
>             C:\Program Files\Python\Libs (use your own Python install
>             C:\Projects\CVSNT\KRB5\Lib (use your own project root for
> 10. Open the cvsnt.dsw in the cvsnt directory.
> 11. In the class view pane, right click cvsnt classes and select set as
> active project..
> 12. Select Menu | Build | Build cvs.exe
> You should be good to go
> Patrick

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