[cvsnt] CVSNT and SSH

Rolf Wilms rolf_wilms at hotmail.com
Thu May 22 23:18:15 BST 2003

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I'm playing with the option of adding an SSPI connection method to the
Eclipse CVS client (http://www.eclipse.org). Today, Eclipse can talk to
CVSNT only via pserver, with the well.known security issues.

An SSPI connection method would however not be necessary with respect to
security if CVSNT was compatible with :ext:, since Eclipse already supports
:ext:/:extssh:.Same, if CVSNT could be run reliably i.e. under Cygwin/SSH.

So in order not no run into wasting time implementing an obsolete SSPI
connection method in Eclipse, could anyone tell me if CVSNT can be run
reliably with an :ext:/:extssh: client? Is sserver compatible with extssh?


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