[cvsnt] Re: Re: Update problem after renaming and tagging - [ Vírusmentes]

Zoltan.Szathmary at generali.hu Zoltan.Szathmary at generali.hu
Wed Feb 9 10:34:14 GMT 2005

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Tony wrote:
>Note that you haven't committed the rename...
Of course I committed the rename. Just forgot to mention.

> This correct anyway, since you only renamed the file on the HEAD not the
> tag cTag, even if you had committed it.
Either I tagged the file1 before the rename, either I tagged file2 after
the rename, the result is the same. A "cvs update -P -r cTag" command on
parent directory result:
cvs server: Updating .
U file1
cvs server: file2 is no longer in the repository

the filename is change back to original name.

cTag tag is not a branch, only a plain tag. And I want to checkout/update
the "cTag" tagged module, which include this renamed file2, but
I think, the problem is, that didn't change the file1/file2 revision during
the rename. We have a file1 (rev1.1) and after the rename we have a file2
(rev1.1), and the "cTag" tag is on the file rev1.1, whatever its current
name. And the update command can't take this situation into consideration.
We have one file revision with two filename.

OK. I force an additional file commit after the rename, and move the cTag
to this rev1.2. But even more strange things occurs:

After force commit, Log:
Rcs file : '/test/x1873/file2,v'     //WARNING! The real RCS file
Working file : 'file2'
Head revision : 1.2
Branch revision :
Locks : strict
Access :
Symbolic names :
      1.2 : 'cTag'                              // IMPORTANT!
Keyword substitution : 'kv'
Total revisions : 2
Selected revisions : 2
Description :

Revision : 1.2
Date : 2005/2/9 9:56:20
Author : 'HU\Y011096'
State : 'Exp'
Lines : +0 0
Keyword : 'kv'
CommitID : 'a284209de3f73ce'
Filename : 'file2'                              // IMPORTANT!
Description :

Revision : 1.1
Date : 2005/2/7 13:11:16
Author : 'HU\Y011096'
State : 'Exp'
Lines : +0 0
Description :
no message


(It can't be seen here, that the rename occurs on rev1.1. But this is the
Now everything's seem to adequate for update the module to a "cTag" tagged

cvs -z9 update -P -r cTag (in directory C:\Munka\local\x1873\)
cvs server: Updating .
U file1
cvs server: file2 is no longer in the repository

***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****

This is really strange! The "cTag" tagged revision is 1.2. The name of the
rev1.2 is file2. Why change back the filename to old file1?

Best regards!
Zoltan Szathmáry

- - - Tony's reply - - -
>> I think there is some problem with this experimental rename.
>> Here are 2 sample:
>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - -  -
>> - cvs rename file1 file2
>>   Now in the Tag admin file (in CVS subdir) there is a line: T:1.2 .
>> - cvs tag -- cTag file2
>> - "cvs update -P -r cTag" command on parent directory result:
>Note that you haven't committed the rename...
>>   cvs server: Updating .
>>   U file1
>>   cvs server: file2 is no longer in the repository
>>   which is no good, because I tagged the new "file2"

> This correct anyway, since you only renamed the file on the HEAD not the
> tag cTag, even if you had committed it.

- - - - The Original Problems - - - -
I think there is some problem with this experimental rename.
Here are 2 sample:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - -  -
- cvs rename file1 file2
  Now in the Tag admin file (in CVS subdir) there is a line: T:1.2 .
- cvs tag -- cTag file2
- "cvs update -P -r cTag" command on parent directory result:

  cvs server: Updating .
  U file1
  cvs server: file2 is no longer in the repository

  which is no good, because I tagged the new "file2"

Now in the Tag admin file (in CVS subdir) there is a line: NcTag .
After this, reset sticky tag in the directory:
- "cvs -z9 update -P -A"

  cvs server: Invalid directory sticky tag 'NcTag' ignored
  cvs server: Updating .
  cvs server: file1 has been renamed to file2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - -  -

- cvs rename file1 file2
  Now in the Tag admin file (in CVS subdir) there is a line: T:1.2 .
When I tag the entire directory:
- "cvs tag -- cTag"
and update the local sandbox to this tag:
- "cvs update -P -r cTag"

Now in the Tag admin file (in CVS subdir) there is a line: NcTag .
After this, reset sticky tag in the directory:
- "cvs -z9 update -P -A"

  cvs server: Invalid directory sticky tag 'NcTag' ignored
  cvs server: Updating .
  cvs server: file2 has been renamed to
  cvs.exe update: unable to rename ./file2: No such file or directory
  cvs.exe update: move away ./file2; it is in the way
  C file2

and file2 status became "unknown".

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