[cvsnt] Out of memory

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Thu Oct 6 12:11:09 BST 2005

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Bo Berglund wrote:
> I have found that on our repository all operations (tag, update,
> commit etc) involving binary files that have lived for some tims so
> that there are say 50-100 revisions will get extremely slow.
> We have stored the exe files in the repository and these files are
> individually about 3-4 Mb, but the RCS file is about 150 Mb now.
> If what you say is true then we should not see a difference when the
> RCS file grows but we *really* do....

It depends on where you're working... for HEAD it's basically a copy 
operation, and will be fast.  For branches it has to backtrack to the 
branchpoint then up the branch, which will mean that for large binary 
files it could take some time... you don't notice it for source files as 
the traversal is very fast.


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