[cvsnt] Re: storing lock files on cvs

Glen Starrett glen.starrett at march-hare.com
Fri Apr 14 03:45:32 BST 2006

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glenn opdycke-hansen wrote:
> I have an application is stored on cvsnt.  I want to show active requests in
> the application as files stored in a cvs module.
> Is this a reasonable design?  When a request is started a file is created in
> the locks module and it needs to be added/committed.
> To check if a lock exists, the locks module needs to be updated.
> To remove a lock the file needs to be removed/committed.

What is the overall purpose of your system?  The way I read this, it 
sounds like you're trying to use CVSNT for something that a database 
might better serve.  It's difficult to assess without a full view of the 
system, and this isn't a good forum for that.

Glen Starrett

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