[cvsnt] Making a branch read only in CVSNT

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Tue Jun 24 17:14:13 BST 2008

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Suman Brar,

> The command I am using is :
> cvs chacl -a read,nowrite,nocreate,notag,nocontrol -r branch1 
> -m "Branch is locked for commit"
> The error which comes is :
> cvs chacl: in directory .:
> cvs [chacl aborted]: CVS directory without administration files present. 
> Cannot continue until this directory is deleted or renamed.

Use rchacl:

cd \
cvs -d :sspi:host:/repo rchacl -a read,nowrite,nocreate,notag,nocontrol -r branch1 module

Note: it is generally NOT GOOD to use nowrite, nocreate etc.  Instead set ACLmode=normal and just set rchacl to read - however if you MUST use ACLmode=compat then nowrite is OK.



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