[cvsnt] Import generates conflict messages, why???

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Tue Nov 23 13:35:50 GMT 2004

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Bo Berglund wrote:

> And I am not using any branches, this is because these sources are
> supposed to build a proper module with a progressive revision history
> on TRUNK rather than creating multiple branches... 

I think you're having a misconception there. Multiple Imports do not
create multiple branches unless you specify a different vendor branch
for every import (which you shouldn't).

I really don't get the fuss about the vendor branch. It's a mere
cosmeticality really. As soon as you start adding your own changes,
they will still be on the trunk.

There's simply too much power in the Import command that I would never
want to sacrifice just for the sake of getting a cleaner revision graph
- because that's pretty much the only thing you gain if you don't use


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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
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