[cvsnt] CVS Suite with SCCI now available

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Mon Jul 17 05:34:58 BST 2006

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CVS Suite & CVS Suite Server 2.5.03 are now available

March Hare Software announce the release of CVS Suite & CVS Suite Server 2.5.03

* New Visual Studio / SCCI integration
* New Repository Replication (for hot standby server)
* Updated Workspace Manager with:
  + import by drag and drop
  + manage access control (ACLs)
  + colour coded icons for text and binary files
  + open/open with... any file on the CVS server
* Updated WinMerge with support for viewing differences in Microsoft Office files
* Updated Bugzilla integration adds support for:
  + email subscribers when bug updated
  + private comments
* Updated eBook with clearer documentation on
  + Bugzilla integration
  + Build Integration
  + Interfacing with CVS Server and COM
  + Using built-in email trigger
  + Using built-in checkout / shadow trigger
* Updated WinCVS with the CVSNT Server Selector
* Security Updates (for zlib)
* Bug fixes
* Performance Improvements
* Audit support on MS-Windows for DB2, MSSQL
* Improved backup utilities (wait4cvs)

For more information please visit our web site:

Complex repository replication, CM process design, CVS Administration and User training and on site installation and upgrades are 
available from March Hare Software worldwide.

North America:    1-800-653-1501 x803
UK/Europe:         0800 376 0404
Germany:           +49 171 747 6059
Spain:                +34 91 803 93 17

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